Hi, I'm Pía again and today I'm going to tell you about a career-oriented website I enjoy visiting
I think my "predetermined" is the website called "Google Scholar"(https://scholar.google.cl/schhp?hl=es) because there are many types of papers and theses that I use to make my presentations and essays or even to learn more about one topic in specific.
I think I visit this website very often, due to the academic charge. I would say 4 or 5 times per week perhaps? Plus, I would say I spend too much time searching and marking things that I say "Oh! How interesting, I'm gonna read it when I have time (and spoiler, never happens). And Well, obviously, it also depends on the thing that I'm working on at the moment.
I recommend this website to scholars indeed, but most important in my opinion, to everyone who wants to learn about something, since it has a lot of variety.
Miss Troncoso says that this is the last blog of the year, I believe, so thanks for reading what I write this last time. I had a lot of fun doing this. Bye, Bye!
OMG, I love google scholar, it always saves me from trouble and the best thing is that every article is supported with bases.