Hi, I'm Pía and today I'm going to talk about some changes that I would do to my study programme if I could.
Well, at first, I wanted to study archeology, but the programme was so boring, so I gave up -besides, social anthropology seduced me too much-. So I would change the focus if I could.
At the moment, there are two subjects that I would change if I could."Complex societies" because of the teacher (he don't educate with pedagogical vocation). On the other hand, the organization is lame, the teacher doesn't teach the classes at one hundred percent (the students do it, us in fact). So is a lot of workload, there are too many texts and books to read. And, what if you didn't understand it well? you have to present so... those who are listening to you, they may be getting the wrong idea. So definitely, is the form of teaching.
The other one is "workshop three: Etnography and Archives" because of its desorganization. You are like "in the air" with some topics that you have to do in the field, so It's frustrating.
The deposits of FACSO are deplorable, the infraestructure is deficient. The resources of the university for that are low.
I don't really have an opinion about the technology, because It's not something that we use very often (or at the moment).
Obviously, there are more things to talk about, but It's a broad topic.
So that's all for today, until next time, bye bye!