jueves, 13 de abril de 2023

2. Best concert ever

Hi everyone!, It's Pía again and today I'm going to talk about THE. BEST. CONCERT. EVER.

Well, my best concert was on the 4th of december of the past year in the USACH's Aula Magna, in santiago of Chile. 

Can you guess who the artist I saw was? 

I'm going to give you a little introduce to him, so maybe you can guess (or maybe not, and will activate your curiosity) 

So, this musician is chilean and is 38 years old, but currently lives in Spain. His music have a lots of string instruments like charango, guitar and ukelele. It's cataloged like indie/alternative but I think I'ts because they don't know how to describe his SUPERIORITY(not like niños del cerro, obviously) (It's like indie-pop or like folk maybe? idk).

You guessed it? Yeah! Is Dieguito Lorenzini! One of my favorites artist of all times.

The atmosphere in the concert was calm and tranquil, like his music. Of course there was screams of exitement, but nothing too annoying to handle.

I don't know how to put in words how I felt, but I can assure you that -jokes aside-  this concert in particular was an experience. I really lived the music through his performance, It was amazing.

I don't have any particular memory to tell about it, but I can guarantee you that I sang EVERY word of his songs, no, I SCREAMED every of them.

Check it out his music if you didn't knew him, you won't regret!

Until the next blog!

jueves, 6 de abril de 2023


Hello everyone, I'm Pía and today I'm going to talk about Peru, one of the few countries that I want to visit someday.

Peru is a country located in South America, bordered by Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile.

It's made up of variety of landscapes, from mountains and beaches to deserts and the well known Amazon rainforest.

This country has a population of over 33 million people (2021) and -although, the official language is spanish- there is a wide variety of indigenous languages.

The main reason of why I want to visit one day Peru is for It's culture, specifically to know about the religous traditions in the Sierra.

As a tourist, I would like to visit -obviously- the popular archeological sites like Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, La Huaca del Sol y la Luna and Líneas de Nazca. Although, I would like talk to the people that live's there, recorrerldmkldfgkgdkmlfdgmklgdklmfdgklm the Amazon rainforest and know of first hand their culture and traditions, and of course, their apreciation about it.

One thing that I know for sure -or currently at least-  is that I wouldn't work in Peru, but not for the country itself, I wouldn't like to work in any country but Chile. Clearly, I'm not close to it, but this are my thoughts at the very moment.

About study there, I didn't thought about it, but I would do it, do a postgraduate or something.

Until the next blog!

Post 4: Changes to my study programme.

Hi, I'm Pía and today I'm going to talk about some changes that I would do to my study programme if I could. Well, at first, I wante...