sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

3. My favourite piece of technology.

Hi, I'm Pía again, and today I'm going to tell you what is my favourite piece of technology.

I think my favourite piece of technology (at the moment) is my camera, 'cause I enjoy every moment that I capture with it, the experience, the story behind and the memories involved.

I used it when I think It's time, there is not specific moment or situation, just when I want to inmortalize a second in my life.

I'ts pretty easy to use in fact. My camera is a Kodak Cameo 110, so all you have to do is open it, focus and press a yellow button in the superior part (you can use the flash if you want to). Then you have to reveal the roll, and that's it, you have a beautiful photo in yours hands.

Thanks of it, I have more motivation to go to other places, to visit sites that I don't usually go. Plus, now I enjoy more the view, the landscapes and the city itself.

I recommend use it, I think It's pretty cool and a good first step for a beginner to enter the world of analog photography, like me. So yes, I recommend it if you want a new hobby or a new perspective.

And that's it all I wanted to share with you today, until next time!

Some of the last photos I took.

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022

2. Why did I choose my major?

Hi, everyone, Im Pía again and today Im going to tell u the story about why did I choose my major.

Well, when I was a child, my dream job was to be a painter, a -famous- painter. But that perception changed over the years, for many reasons. However, I think one day I will (or hope to) be something close to it.

In my last year of school, I wanted to be a painting conservator, but (again) something didn't go the way I wanted. So, I questioned why, why I wanted to be so much a painting conservator. And one of the conclusions was that I wanted to be vinculated with antique objects.

So, I came across anthropology in one of my researches to choose a career that somehow connects with that thought. It was love at first sight, and now I love soooo much my career to be honest, with all of my soul and heart.

On the other hand, my experience in the university is awesome, I like so much the dinamic, I don't think is repetitive, and I love that.

That's what I wanted to share with you today, until next time!

One of the first Tehuelches who were kidnapped for the human zoos.
It was painted with acrylics on canvas for my briefcase of "Taller I: El quehacer del antropólogo"

sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2022

1. Who am I?

Hí, my name is Pía Olivares, I'm 18 years old and I was born in Santiago, Chile, on October 11, 2003.  I have a brother, he is 30 years old and is a lawyer, at the time, he is not living with me and my parents, but we see each other when we have time. My parents are old, my mom has 59 years old, and my dad is 65 years old. They are really kind and lovely. And of course, I have to mention my precious cat Luna, she is 7 years old, sleeps all day and eats a lot -that's why we had to change her normal food, to a "weight control food"-. I love them so much.

I've been living my whole life here in Santiago, in Recoleta to be exact. I like it here, but I think the south of Chile It's prettier.

But what can I say specifically about me? I'm courrently studying Anthropology at the "Universidad de Chile", I wanna take the mention on Archeology, but Social A. sounds good too. At the moment I looove my career, every class is mind blowing for me, everything sounds so logical but simultaneously It's not, and I really like that combination, I think It's awesome in a way. 

I love art, every expression of it in fact. So that's why I've been doing a lot of paints during this time, to improve in that topic. As well, I've been doing that with the photography too, with the camera that I inherated from my mom, a Kodak Cameo 110 (analogy camera from the 90's).

I really like music, my favorites genres I think are (indie) latin rock and bossa nova. I play the guitar -and others instruments too like charango and tin whistle-, the last songs that I've been playing were "Sr. prudencia" from Los Mesoneros and "Dance Dance" from Fall out boy.

That's what I wanted to share with you today, until next time!

My last painting with oil pastels over canvas, titled "Percepciones".

In the upper left corner, the camera Kodak Cameo 110, and my first photos with that.

Post 4: Changes to my study programme.

Hi, I'm Pía and today I'm going to talk about some changes that I would do to my study programme if I could. Well, at first, I wante...